The Scone Advocate
You're invited to try our new website experience.
Help shape the future direction of our website by providing valuable feedback. Select the opt in button below to access the first phase of our new (beta) website. You can opt out easily using the same button at any time to restore our current website experience.
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Frequently asked questions
Why am I receiving the test/beta website invitation?
We have redesigned our website based on customer feedback and future trends in news consumption, however, there is nothing like getting our valued subscribers to take it for a test drive and see how it works for them. You have been selected from among our most loyal subscribers to provide this invaluable feedback. This is an invitation only and should you not wish to participate, there is nothing further that you need to do. All subscribers will be advised down the track on when the new website will be coming.
What is beta?
A beta website is a website that is new and is in the testing phase - it is ready for use but is not quite perfect yet.
Will my subscription be impacted?
Your subscription will not be impacted at all by using the beta (test) website. You will still access the website with your existing login, as you currently do. Your subscription will also not be impacted if you choose to opt out of the beta website after you have opted in.
Can I opt out and return to the current website?
Yes, you can easily at any time. There will be an opt out link at the top right of our website where you can return to your previous website experience.
How can I provide feedback or report an issue?